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RISE UP “DEPLORABLES” is a community created to allow Americans to show our willingness to put our signatures on the Constitution of the United States, in an effort to let people know that we will not be doxed and silenced. We must band together as one voice to show that we will no longer be subject to the actions of the left, including their Trump accountability projects and their threats to prevent conservatives and libertarians from getting jobs, speaking at events or simply living our own lives as we wish to live them, as free Americans.
“We have to be committed to defending free speech however impolitic, or unpopular, or even wrong because defending that is the only barrier to violence. That’s because the only way we can influence one another short of physical violence is through speech, through communicating ideas. The moment you say certain ideas can’t be communicated you create a circumstance where people have no alternative but to go hands on with you.” ~ Sam Harris
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